Jackie James


In 2018, after facing federal and state pressure,Tonawanda Coke closed the plant. As a result, benzene and other hazardous air pollutants were reduced by over 92% in Tonawanda, N.Y. Today, Jackie shares her lessons learned to communities and schools both locally and nationwide, so others can beat Goliath too!


Email Jackie to LEarn More about how you can Use community based Citizen Science for action.

She can help accelerate your campaign!

It’s such a pleasure not to be woken up from that stink that would come into my opened windows at night. I’m so grateful Tonawanda Coke is gone. Jackie, thank you for all you have done.
— Patricia Blachowicz Tonawanda, NY resident
Jackie James is to Tonawanda Coke what Lois Gibbs was to Love Canal
— Erie County Legislator Kevin Hardwick

Jackie responds to inquiries within two business days